Useful winter tips for Happy Pets

Our furry friends give us endless love, affection and support on a daily basis and we can only return the favour by making sure we care for their health and well-being as best we can. After all, their happiness is exclusively our responsibility.

If your best friend has… fur, feathers or even scales, check out our tips below to make sure they are happy as can be this winter!

Serve up Some Love

Choose high quality pet food, based on their needs and flavour preferences as it plays a big role in their development, fur health (if furry of course) and their general well-being. Make sure you also stock up on durable, easy to clean feeding bowls that won’t change the taste of their food or make your pets uncomfortable when eating.

EXTRA TIP: Large bags of pet food are more affordable in the long run and will help you avoid coming and going every week.

Make Sure They Are Super Comfortable

Much like us, our pets need their own personal space to rest and feel safe. Pick out their very own bed, pet house, aquarium or cage from our large collection of pet accessories and make sure you select something that suits your animal’s needs as well as your personal sense of style and colour preference.

Home Spa

Frequent bathing and grooming help maintain your pet’s health and make sure it feels clean and refreshed. Stock up on the right shampoos and brushes and dedicate some time for a relaxing home spa treatment as often as you can.

Visit to the Vet

Regular check-ups should also be on your to do list, in order to make sure your pet is feeling well and you are giving it all the care it needs. For these all important vet visits, you will most definitely need a comfortable and safe pet carrier!

Everyday Needs

As your doggies probably cannot leave the house on their own accord, you need to make sure they have time and space to ‘do their business’ at least twice a day. Buy them a stylish and comfortable collar and an adaptable leash and put ‘walkies’ in your everyday routine. Try to see it as routine exercise and an opportunity for some carefree bonding.

If on the other hand, you have a cat (or cats) then you need a quality cat litter tray, which you will have to clean every 2-3 days and change the litter regularly, as cats are very particular about the cleanliness of their space.

Yummy Training

Training your pet will take time and patience, but with the right amount of tasty treats, everything is possible. After all, when rewards are that delicious, discipline is easy to achieve!

Play Time

Everything we’ve mentioned above are essential for the wellbeing of your pet, but don’t forget that at the end of the day, all they really need is plenty of love, snuggles and play time! Make sure you get them lots of pet toys that will help them pass their time having fun, while maintaining their weight and releasing their stress and energy healthily!

EXTRA TIP FOR THE WINTER: If you have a cat or dog, pass by our stores and choose cozy blankets, jackets and other accessories that will keep them warm and looking cute as ever!
